Game Library

Unleash your futures literacy by taking play seriously. These games will facilitate you to think critically and imaginatively about the future of society, and collectively imagine brighter tomorrows.

Plug & Play

Browse through our selection of more than 20 (speculative) futures games, explore their potential and pick your favorites to play and facilitate.

  • The Work Kit of Design Fiction

    916,038 unique possible future products, services, experiences, scenarios and situations in this one 9 ounce box of possibilities.

  • Thing from the Future

    Thing from the Future

    An award-winning imagination game that challenges players to collaboratively and competitively describe objects from a range of alternative futures.

  • Solarpunk Futures

    Solarpunk Futures

    Solarpunk Futures is a 10-minute rules-light role playing game where players imagine the pathways to a desirable world from the perspective of a utopian future.

  • Tarots cards of Tech

    Tarot cards of Tech

    The Tarot Cards of Tech encourage creators to think about the outcomes technology can create, from unintended consequences to opportunities for positive change.

  • The Futures Pixel

    The Futures Pixel

    Pause in the haste and tune into your values, assumptions, and biases—as you design—to help you create kinder and more mindful experiences for users and the environment.

  • Responsible Futures

    Responsible Futures

    This game helps you to spark your imagination, think about who you would need for your scenario and reflect on the new insights that you have gained.

  • Shocks to the System

    Shocks to the System

    This game is a 30 – 40 min cooperative game for 2-5 people about time travellers making decisions that will determine the trajectory of the future.

  • Forks in the Timeline

    Forks in the Timeline

    Forks in the Timeline is a card game for the curious mind. This is a game of wit and whimsy that can be played both competitively or just fun.

  • Dreams & Disruptions

    Dreams & Disruptions

    Step into a world where chaos meets creativity & uncertainty becomes your playground. A wild ride and a transformative journey through the future.

  • Peek


    A playable sci-fi novel/game. Peek is an entertaining game for exploring the complexities and twisted narratives of the future.

  • Impact


    A foresight game that teaches you to think critically and imaginatively about technology and the future of society.

  • Instant Archetypes

    Instant Archetypes

    A toolkit to activate creative and critical thinking through live storytelling, problem-solving and insight exploration.

  • Futurish Cards

    Futurish Cards

    A card deck that facilitates reflections about the future by helping players generate future scenarios & artefacts.

  • Futures Out Loud

    Futures Out Loud

    Futures Out Loud is a design game to help participants think about futures in an engaging and approachable way.

  • Building Utopia

    Building Utopia

    An Afrofuturist Speculative Design toolkit to imagine the future of our communities and consider the legacy we are leaving for those communities

  • Futurescool


    Discover various future archetypes in our futuristic Fortnite map to learn more about Futures Literacy

  • FutureCast


    Explore risks and opportunities in an election context by engaging various stakeholders in thought-provoking and inclusive discussion.

  • Cards of Hope

    Cards of Hope

    The idea of the game is simple: participants are given ‘cards of hope’ which they use to develop a vision of a better tomorrow.

  • FutureGov


    Uses people’s anticipatory assumptions about what the future may look like to generate conversations, negotiations and collaborations.

  • AKAW


    The AKAW Cards are a playful tool to unleash your futures thinking and collectively imagine brighter tomorrows.

  • Grounded Wisdom Tarot Deck

    A Soil Tarot Deck of 78 cards that can be used to connect to Soil and the environment and help innovators design regeneratively.

  • Futures


    Create space for alternative realities, and collectively envision a future world where we actually want to live.

  • Speculative Pasts and Futures

    Speculative Pasts and Futures

    Engage participants in the process of re-envisioning the present and future by contemplating alternative historical narratives.

  • Strategic Science Fiction

    Designed with flexibility at its core, these cards are your catalysts for imagining the future.

  • Better Uncertainties

    Better Uncertainties helps you to reflect on the present moment, consider potential futures, make more informed decisions, and take your next step.

  • Collapse

    Collapse challenges teams to build a resilient community. Subsequently, random natural disasters occur to test their resilience.

  • Future Disruptions Game

    The game lets participants experience a foresight session centred on „Future Disruptions“.

  • Walking the Future

    An in-person game where participants will explore the future by walking through a neighborhood and using the sights as inspiration.

  • Future Scouting

    This game encourages designers to design with values in mind. Scouts are sent to alternate futures with different future technologies to design the invention that most enables the Key Value.

  • Another Future

    Players take on a character role and must decide whether they work together to build a future for all, or work alone to try and build their own ‘preferable future’.

  • Future Journey

    With the Scenona Cards, you'll no longer feel overwhelmed by the unknown. These cards are your window to new possibilities, your source of inspiration, and your guide to shaping your future.

  • End of the World 2075

    Highly competitive strategy board game with collaboration elements for 2-10 players to save humanity from existential risks.

  • New Metaphors

    New Metaphors is a set of 150 cards and a number of simple, fun workshop formats which enable idea generation and new ways of thinking about issues creatively.

  • Fashion Futuring

    An award-winning methodology to spark imagination and a values-driven transition towards sustainable futures.

  • Dualities: Futures Generator

    Embrace the tensions, discover the future dualities, and explore multiple potential futures.

  • Living Futures

    An exciting combination of narrated stories from the future and concrete tools and guides for using them in the present.

  • Working Futures

    What will our jobs be like in a future marked by such radical change? In Working Futures, science fiction authors share possible answers to that question.

  • Beautiful Trouble

    An interconnected web of ideas and creative best practices that puts the power in your hands.

  • Foresight Cards

    This pack of cards contains 125 macro forces classified into the STEEP categories.

  • Drivers of Change

    The Drivers of Change programme investigates the key global issues and trends driving change in the built environment.

  • Scenario Exploration System

    A foresight game that is now widely used in teaching and professional environments beyond the policymaking for which it was originally designed.

Are we missing something?

We would love add your favorite futures game to our living list, if you can convince us why it’s the missing link to our library.